Wondering how your child is doing?
We offer a variety of testing available to you at no charge.
We offer a full range of testing, available with one of our amazing assessment specialists! Click here for more information.
Copyright @IndigoTutoring - not to be used or copied without written permission.
We offer a variety of testing available to you at no charge.
We offer a full range of testing, available with one of our amazing assessment specialists! Click here for more information.
Copyright @IndigoTutoring - not to be used or copied without written permission.
Math Assessments
For a full and personalized battery of tests, please contact Indigo.
Please click on the grade level for your child and have your child complete the assessment. The grade level is meant to be for when your child has completed a grade. So if your child is midway through grade 4, they could complete the grade 3 assessment.
We will email you the results and a list of our favourite websites and resources! The results are meant as a "snapshot" of your child's functioning in math - we cannot assess for higher level thinking math skills during this assessment, but we can with our full range of testing.
Please click on the grade level for your child and have your child complete the assessment. The grade level is meant to be for when your child has completed a grade. So if your child is midway through grade 4, they could complete the grade 3 assessment.
We will email you the results and a list of our favourite websites and resources! The results are meant as a "snapshot" of your child's functioning in math - we cannot assess for higher level thinking math skills during this assessment, but we can with our full range of testing.
Language Assessments
For a full and personalized battery of tests, please contact Indigo.
We will email you the results and a list of our favourite websites and resources! The results are meant as a "snapshot" of your child's functioning in language - we cannot assess for higher level thinking reading skills during this assessment, but we can with our full range of testing.
We will email you the results and a list of our favourite websites and resources! The results are meant as a "snapshot" of your child's functioning in language - we cannot assess for higher level thinking reading skills during this assessment, but we can with our full range of testing.
For this assessment, please place the words in front of your child and ask them to read one list at a time. Start a few grade levels below their actual grade level to build some confidence. The marking sheet is the first page - parent can check off the words they get correct. This will give you a very approximate idea of how they are doing with word reading. Don't help your child or this will not be an accurate test.
Source: https://readingsimplified.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/San-Diego-Quick-Assessment.pdf |
This is a graded assessment for each grade level.
Start a few grade levels below their actual grade level to build some confidence. This will give you a very approximate idea of how they are doing with spelling. Don't help your child or this will not be an accurate test. Source: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b9b363c372b9691eba6582a/t/5d27a9e28907890001f2a5da/1562880482789/spelling_pretest.pdf |
Nonsense words can help us understand how your child decodes words. Since these aren't real words, we can take a look at what strategies your child is using to figure out unknown words.
Source: http://teacher.scholastic.com/reading/bestpractices/phonics/nonsensewordtest.pdf |
Choose the reading passage that is most appropriate for your child. This test will assess your child's reading speed. While this is not a perfect indicator of reading difficulties, it can help determine if further assessments might be necessary.
Source: https://scholarwithin.com/reading-speed-test |
Other assessments
Executive Functioning is the ability to get and stay organized, to initiate tasks, working memory and self-control - critical skills for life!
Feel free to make a copy of this assessment, fill it out and send it back to us! Source: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gNAS8aSfym76FDgSgSj1qTiJlZICWCcd3Ja2uTOHO4I/edit?usp=sharing |
Binocular Vision is the ability for the eyes to work together. If there is an impairment with BV, it can greatly impact reading, writing, math, balance, etc. Take a look at this checklist and if you think your child may have BV issues, contact your optometrist.
Source: https://da4e1j5r7gw87.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/2514/2018/10/Binocular-Vision-Checklist3.pdf |